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Unbounded Freedom

Counterpoint der "think tank" des British Councils, hat vor kurzem einen Broschüre veröffentlicht mit dem Titel: Unbounded Freedom. A guide to Creative Commons thinking for cultural organisations (.pdf). Allem Anschein nach die erste Publication des Britisch Council, die unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz veröffentlich wurde.

The growing popularity of cultural commons thinking sets new and provocative challenges for traditional copyright law. Changes are occurring in politics, the economy and law, but first and foremost in the domain of culture.

One third of all internet users have now downloaded music, videos and information using P2P file sharing software. New attitudes to the accessibility and ownership of intellectual property have become a force for change that will transform communication in the information age. User-led innovation is reshaping cultural production so that it is trans-national, more egalitarian, less deferential, much more diverse and above all, self-authored.

Creative industries face the challenge of keeping pace with this sharing economy, and any organisation wishing to work with them will need to understand the thinking, ethics and communicative conventions of rising generations.

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